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Claire Judd

Postnatal Counselling
in Harrogate & Online

Helping new mums break free from survival mode so they can live the life they deserve. 

Having a baby is one of the most vulnerable times in our life and our brain deals with this the only way it knows goes into survival mode. We might feel low and have little motivation, be on high alert and anxious, or feel angry and lash out. 

It isn't your fault, you are still there and you can reconnect with yourself.

Therapy with me focuses on breaking you out of survival mode so you can live the life you deserve, as an individual and a mum. 

How Postnatal Counselling in Harrogate or Online Can Help

Did you know  research suggests it can take up to 7 years for the emotional, psychological and social effects of having a baby to return to 'normal'? There is no cut off for how long ago you had your baby for working with me, the impact of motherhood is different for everyone. The following areas are just some of the reasons we might work together:

Mother with baby

Anxiety or Low Mood

Image of baby sleeping

Pregnancy or Birth Trauma

Image of candlelights

Having a baby after loss

Image of woman in flower field

Loss of identity

These are common postnatal struggles and can detract from our enjoyment of life. Perhaps your thoughts race and you can't relax or maybe you feel low and tired all the time and you struggle to find the energy for activities.

Does the birth or events during pregnancy play on your mind? Maybe you have flash backs to certain points? Are thoughts of it keeping you awake at night or leaving you upset? Trauma isn't defined by the event, it's defined by how it leaves you feeling.

You have a rainbow baby and you 'should' feel elated, but something is off. You might be confused about how you feel towards your new baby or perhaps feel guilty for how you think. There is no right way to feel, no time line on grief and it impacts us all differently.

Perhaps you feel a loss of confidence? Your social circle has shifted? You're not sure what your purpose is outside of being 'mum'? The shift into motherhood is huge and often it can leave us feeling lost, with no sense of self. 

Therapy with me is not about tricks, tools and strategies. There is enough noise out there for all of that. Instead it's about exploring and giving voice to your thoughts and feelings so you feel seen and heard. We might investigate different parts of you that are conflicting and help you understand why you feel this way or we might work out what it is you need to change, what you want life to look like and work out how to get there.  

Hi, I'm Claire

As a mum and counsellor I’m on a mission to empower women in their postnatal period. So often, everyone wants to hold the baby, but who is holding you? Whether you're on your first or fifth baby you'll have discovered that although the journey into motherhood can feel miraculous it is also hard and comes with a new set of challenges that there is no manual for. Having experienced my own difficulties after the birth of my first child and then struggling with my birth experience of my second which was during the COVID pandemic, I know only too well how difficult this period can be. 


Society often paints a picture of the postnatal period that is calm, beautiful, with everyone wearing clean (and often matching) clothes, a tidy house, peaceful coffee dates while the baby sleeps and for the majority of us that image doesn't match up with reality. 


Image of Claire Judd walking with green fields behind. She's wearing a yellow coat and smiling at the camera

I hope a look around my website shows you that you're not alone. You're not failing. You're not inadequate in anyway. You're a mum who is trying to figure out the often messy and unpredictable life as a mum and you are doing your best. By working together I aim to help you reconnect with yourself, gain confidence in motherhood, find some headspace for yourself and live the life you deserve. 


Counselling in Harrogate & Online

How you can work with me

1:1 Counselling

This is ideal if you're looking to make long lasting changes to your life.

You might have lived with anxiety, low mood or overwhelm for a while or simply know that this is not how you want your life to look.


These are 50 minute weekly sessions.

Number of sessions required varies, depending on your goal. 6 will allow you to see some changes, though longer term, around 20, allows for more sustainable change and growth.


Personal investment: £65/session

Counselling room with dusky pink walls, a blue sofa facing a cosy arm chair and coffee table between them

Postnatal Enrichment Session

Perfect if you're 6 weeks + post birth.

A great opportunity to talk through your experiences, thoughts and feelings with a specialist in postnatal well-being so you leave feeling validated, empowered and  equipped with insights and strategies so you can feel more like yourself, and enjoy a balanced start to motherhood.

This includes a pre-session questionnaire, a 90 minute 1:1 session and a follow up email.


Personal investment: £130

Happy Mother with her Child

One 90 minute session

This could be for you if you have a specific issue you need support with and don't feel you need the traditional longer term counselling. 


This is commonly used for those times you have a difficult decision to make, such as:

Deciding whether you would like another child

Whether to return to work after maternity leave

Relationship decisions 


Personal investment: £120

Girl with Arms Stretched Out

Are You Ready to Start Your Journey?

You can book the following online:
- A 15 minute consultation ahead of weekly counselling sessions or a 90 minute session (session booking can be made during this call)
- A Postnatal Enrichment Session 


Counselling in Harrogate and Online

I offer a warm and inviting space for you in my own home in Killinghall, Harrogate. 

Online counselling sessions are also offered and you can gain more information about how this works here

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